Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wow, all those suprised please raise your hand, no, higher...

So it should be of no suprise that I am now 2 months behind on my blog. I have good excuses, but it'd take too much work to post them. Ok Spoiler Warning. If you like big huge suprises, and stuff just coming out of left field don't read anymore. I'm really serious, HUGE SPOILER AHEAD! Alright, you've been warned, scroll down at your own peril...


Ok, no bitching about not wanting to know, you were warned.

Now for the details. Today Mary and I went to the OB/GYN this morning with my mother in law. We sit down in the waiting room and wait, since thats what you do in a waiting room. After calling us back, for no reason, we were called back again, but it was the wrong Mary, and then we went into a dark room with lots of equipment and Mary was squirted with some goo on her belly. ( I know that is both grammatically wrong and I'm certain there are misspelled words as well, but I am just too lazy to push the backspace key that many times, tough it out and hang with me here) So there we were getting a sonogram of my wifes innards, and I'll be the first to tell you a black and white photo of something inside the body looks like a TV with static to me. Thankfully the tech was there to label and point out stuff for us.

So the tech points out a stomach, a spine, intestines, heart, arms, legs, in short every damn thing on the baby except the part I've been anxious to see since conception! So the tech puts the probe at an angle where we are looking at the baby's crotch.

I cannot express the pride I felt as my mother in law stood next to me in a dark room with a black and white TV showing her only daughter's and mine child, and that child has his hand on his PENIS! Tears of joy stood in my eyes and I watched my son to be playing with himself. That lady's and gentlemen, is my son.

Oh yeah other things have been happening in my life and I'm probably too damn lazy to let you know what they are before the kid gets here, but I'll try.

Love you all, and thanks for the hearty congratulations we've received.


Blogger snarflemarfle said...

Oh my lord! I was sending her Open Leg Vibes...not play with yourself vibes! Glad he cooperated and that you're so excited. A boy means that Mary's still the princess with no challengers for her title. That's what I've told TC anyway...

5:51 AM


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