Saturday, March 18, 2006

Updates, something I'm not so good at...

Yeah yeah, I'm running behind again on my posts. Sue me (unless you are a legal professional, in which case please disregard the previous imperative)! Ok, Mary two weeks ago Mary and I wanted out of the house and went back to Cabela's. I found a really nice Savage Left Handed Bolt action chambered in .308 Winchester for quite a nice price. I had about talked myself out of buying it when Mary told me to buy it. So now I own a fine hunting rifle that is left handed and I love it!

Last weekend I went to Rock Creek range over by Joshua for some quality time with my new toy. While I was there I sighted in a new scope on my Marlin .30-30. Needless to say I had a good time but spent too much time shooting. My shoulder is a very nice shade of green and dark burgandy, it no longer hurts but looks like murder. One thing I learned about myself in doing all this shooting is that I have slipped alot in my marksmanship and will need to spend more time at the range before this fall's season. I found a club in Poolville that has a private gun range not too far from my house and the fee's aren't too bad. The Parker County Sportsman's Club is about half an hour from the house, open 7 days a week, and doesn't cost money everytime you shoot. I think I'll go check out the place on the first of April before heading out to the deer lease for some Turkey hunting and blind building. We'll see, there's also another gun show that weekend so it's all up in the air at this point.

Today we just stayed in and cleaned. Mary's good friend Wayne came over for a visit and brought his son "Trey". Cute kid, Mary say's he's carved right out of Wayne's backside. It's been raining and cold all day, the dogs were soaked and muddy when we let them in tonight. I don't know what we're going to do about them next weekend when we're out of town.

Next weekend, the 25th, Mary and I are headed for Kingsland for my mother's family get together. I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't seen my folks since before New Year's (yeah, I know I'm a bad son). I also haven't seen some of my family in over a year so I'm really looking forward to this. Mary and I will also be using our coupons for some miniature bowling at Rock Hopper's in Marble Falls. We always enjoy going and wish we could get down there more often. I might see about skipping out of work early on Friday to pick up Mary and get on down the road.

Anyway, I'll try and take some photos from the lake and put them up sometime before April 1. Hope everyone is well and safe.


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