Sunday, January 08, 2006

Our thankfully normal weekend.

So Friday night I get home later than usual and as Mary and I are both sick, no going out for us. I've been in a funk with being sick and everything that needs to be done around the house, so I haven't been the most fun person to be around lately. I get home and want nothing more than to turn on the TV and veg out. Instead I do all the dishes in the house and straighten up the kitchen. Oh yeah, big exciting Friday night plans huh?

Saturday morning I unload the dishwasher and Mary and I finish straightening the house. She made me a very yummy breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, and biscuits (I DO have such a wonderful wife). Somehow, Mary and I manage to waste an entire day. I mean yes the laundry was done, the dishes were done, the house was cleaned, but we didn't leave the house one time or even want to. We both played on the internet, played ZUMA (and don't start that game unless you have lots of time to waste, because you'll be wasting alot of it). It was just one of those days you have as you're getting over a bad cold. You don't want to do anything, you don't want to eat anything, you don't want to go anywhere. Starting at 6pm and running till 9:30pm the question of the moment is "what do you want for dinner?" Followed quickly by the response of "I don't know, I'm not hungry." When one of you is diabetic the option of not eatting is non existant. So I think we both had peanut butter and crackers, and an orange. Thus ends Saturday, one of those that when someone asks what you did all weekend you just reply "nothing" and don't dwell on how you shot an entire 24 hours of your life.

Sunday was pretty cool. We are both feeling better today, although my chest congestion is quite nasty (can you say Bronchitis? 'cause I sure can't spell it). Mary got up and went to Church with her mom, and I played heathen and stayed home playing Halo2 on XBOX Live. Sad to say some pre-pubecent children slaughtered me mercilessly and called me all kinds of names that while I don't know quite what they mean, surely weren't intended to be kind. So my morning was actually pretty good, I killed more often that was killed and am so glad for highspeed internet. Mary came home, followed shortly by her parents. We had Chicken Express for lunch (oh dear Lord they make good tenders) and were off to Fort Worth.

If you know me, or have read any prior post you'll know that I have discovered that I enjoy hunting. And for those of us that enjoy hunting, there is a pilgrimage that must be made periodically. Thats right, the four of us were going to (cue choir, lights, and trumpets) CABELA'S! Prior to the holidays they had sent my wife a $10 gift card with the intend of enticing you into driving to the store and spending more. We were at the store for four hours looking at everything, (that's not being fair, you can't really see half that place in 4 hours, but I digress) clothes, boats, boots, guns, mounts, and of course the bargain cave. Mary and I bought a duffel bag, was $23.99, now only $9.99. With tax we had to use our card plus .81 so we thought we did well. My father inlaw had his gift card plus one his wife bought him. They got a shooting bench, a couple of shirts, and a duffel bag of their own.

The weekend started out sorta blah, but ended on a high note. Right now Mary's at her laptop and I'm typing on my PC, the cats are hiding in the bedroom (which is how God intended) and the dogs are asleep at my feet (which while probably not intentional is pretty dang cute). Hope everyone's weekend was fine, and we all have a good week ahead.


Blogger MJS said...

I'm super glad you enjoyed our weekend. I did too. But please be nice to the kitties!!

9:30 PM

Blogger snarflemarfle said...

Yes! You better be nice to the kitties. And I'm thinking that Mrs. PitterPatter needs to make me some biscuits!

Hope that everyone's out of their sick funk and feeling better.

Now, how about asking Mrs. PitterPatter to turn on the comments on her blog. It's making me crazy not to be able to comment!!!

10:52 AM


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