Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My apologies

Once again I've let this thing sit idle without updates for a long long time.

My excuse: Pygmies

Seriously, why not. It's not like they've got broadband in deepest darket Africa and are going to find out, hop an international flight, and come shrink my head.

So we're all doing fine here. Been very busy, and like everybody else on a limited driving budget due to high fuel prices.

Mary had her Lasik surgoery on Friday the 21st of June and is doing great.

William is talking more every day, and is really enjoying having his mom home for the summer.

On a side not, I cut down my last cedar tree due to another bagworm infestation. I've given up on beating the little critters, and decided to remove their food source.

Freaking Worms


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to know you are still alive. You better be careful about messing with the ecology. You might wind up with tree huggers having a protest in your front yard.
Try to stay cool.

6:12 AM

Blogger ~the ten of us~ said...

There you are !!!!

10:29 PM

Blogger MJS said...

Agreed. Freaking worms!

8:43 PM

Blogger Stubbed My Toe said...

bernard n. shull

you are a douche of the first water for spamming someone on their blog. I hope your a-hole falls out.

1:13 PM


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