Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 1, I'm a stupid stupid man

So after the first day of this remodel marathon I have finished up my ceiling and just need to put on one more coat of paint. Yeah, and it'd be done now but I didn't want to drive to the Home Depot. Speaking of those orange aproned folks, it looks like my counters won't be in till next week. I should be glad because I'm not quite ready for them, but at the same time they promised them to be done in 3 weeks instead of 4. Whatever.

So after one day, I have destroyed more than I have created. This is not good. If this keeps up I'll call my realtor and ask for another house to screw up. I ripped out my back splash, and found it to have water damage. Good thing I wasn't going to reuse it. While working around my window I located where the water had softened my sheetrock. Great, more work. I also wired in a GFCI outlet next to the sink. I paid in blood for that one. I mean literally I've left enough of myself on the wire nuts for that wiring box to be declared a possible crime scene.

Good news though, turns out I DO have insulation in my west and east facing walls. Well, at least in the kitchen. I hate my builder. I measured between studs, ya know since they were exposed and all. Turns out this thing has 25" studs on center. What the hell? I mean the standard is 18", some people go 20, some 24, but 25? I guess this guy was enjoying his bathtub meth when he got to building on this deathtrap.

I'm still not happy with my wiring job. Something about the new receptacle working and the one next to it not working, makes me think I may have a bit of a problem. I think I wore a groove in the hallway carpet running from the kitchen to the breaker box. Oh yeah, since the counter is missing and the power is iffy, our last method of heating food is gone.

Get me my crash helmet and drool cup, tomorrow I'm headed to Home Depot and will be looking to tile the backsplash. I've got a birthday comeing up along with a son due about the same time. All I want this year is a Wellbutrin salt lick for my spinny wheel.


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