Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Joys of parenting.

Lastnight we were finally able to give Wilhelm a real bath. We'd been waiting for his umbilical cord to fall off, as well as his, uh... Alright, we'd been waiting for a plastic ring to fall off of his penis from his circumcision. If you want details, and have a strong stomach, google "plastibell" for more details.

Anyway, we strip him down, fill the sink and get him ready for a nice warm bath. I am smart enough to know that with my long arms I'm going to be the one bathing and holding him, so I strip down to an old pair of shorts to avoid any unwanted soiling of my good clothes. This was smart on my part.

I swear he shot a stream of yellow poo and hit me from 2 feet away. I was sufficiently grossed out, and ran about the kitchen screaming like a little girl with my arms flailing about my head and shoulders.

Mary laughed.

After that bit of excitement we bathed him in the new sink. He did not enjoy the bath AT ALL. You'd think we were pinching his monkey toes with pliers for all the screaming he did.

So he was cold when he was pulled out of the water, and unhappy about it. Come to think of it, if this kid isn't eatting or sleeping he isn't happy. I tried to comfort him, but first I slapped a diaper on his tiny heiny to protect me from his magnum corn gun.

And we are starting a weekly photo for our son. We'll try to post these on Mondays from now on. I'll stick 'em on this blog since I'm in need of content and I'll post on Wilhelm's blog as well, plus other pics so his grandparents can see him in all kinds of funny pics.

Yeah, he's a little Milk Drunk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta love that Milk Drunk look! And the little Mister looks like his daddy, I would say!

10:50 AM

Blogger Stubbed My Toe said...

Poor Wilhelm, should've taken after his mother.

6:51 AM


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