Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So the hospital does believe in "Catch and Release"

We arrived at the hospital on Sunday at 6PM.
William was induced at 8:30am Monday, and was suppose to have been induced at 6:30am.
Labor with pushing and running everyone out of the room started at 10pm.
William was born at 11:54pm on Monday.
We were discharged at 1pm Wednesday.

I have stories, and I have over 250 pictures, and I don't have time to do either one properly tonight. I will fill you in on our first evening at home as parents without a battery of nurses at our beck and call.

Got home and fed William.
Put William to bed.
Put Ben and Mary to bed.
Woke up, cooked dinner, changed baby, put baby back to bed.
Fed baby, changed baby, put him on the coffee table as a conversation piece.
Put baby to bed, put Ben and Mary to bed.

So far we have managed to avoid breaking our child, or having to call medical personel for advice. I think we're going to be alright.

I started a new blog for William, so if you don't care for cutesy baby stuff, you don't have to read it here.


Alright, some baby pics for those of you that missed it, or like Mary and myself, can't get enough baby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is beautiful!!! I'm so glad everyone's home safe and sound (even if a little tired).

6:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so cute...i knew my nephew would be. can't wait to meet him

8:33 PM


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