So Its Columbus Day
1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and 514 years later I put my kitchen back into working order. That is correct, the sink, dishwasher, stove, fridge, food, dishes, and all the other crap is back in the confines of the kitchen and out of Williams room to be.
Unfortunately the tools and other crap needed for the remodel are back there now. This means that when William arrives he will not have his own room. Mary and I have reconciled ourselves with this development but I feel I've failed to prepare for my kid.
I'm not posting pictures from the send off party or of P and S's new baby yet. Mainly because I have a deep cut on the tip of my middle finger and it hurts to type. I won r what it woul look lik if I i n't us my mi l fing r. Oh yeah, its on my left hand. So right now I'm wiped out and will get back to you soon.
The kitchen is beautiful!
And don't worry about William not having his own room yet. You'll probably like (make that Mary would probably like) having him right there in the same room with you. X-man didn't even use his room until 4 months when we finally moved him out of the bassinette into his own crib.
8:45 AM
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