Friday, September 08, 2006

William, I love you

It is 2am and I'm finished grouting my kitchen floor. It has been about 7 hours of knee aching hell but it is finished for now. Mary went to bed a few hour back, and I'm headed that way myself, but first I thought I'd air a few thoughts I've had while on my knees getting tired and dirty.

First off, I'm doing this because Mary and I can't stand the thought of our first born playing on these nasty floors, and I want to put a smooth surface down for little William to play with his Tonka trucks and How Wheel cars. I want these things for him because I love him. I haven't met him yet. I haven't seen him except in profile in a black and white sonogram, but I love him. I'll tear this whole house apart and build it again if needed for your health and well being.

I also love my father, William. He doesn't use that name, but my son will bear it and I'll be proud to call him as such. In my memory, my dad was always a man who did for himself and never found a challenge he couldn't overcome. I try to be the man I remember my father being when I was a child, and hope to set a good example for my son.

Two Williams, one my future, and the other my hero.


Blogger MJS said...

Wow, you brought tears to my eyes. I love you so much. You are going to be such a wonderful dad to our sweet baby boy. I can't wait to see you hold him in your arms. I am so lucky to have you. You're the best baby. The best son, the best husband, the best man, and soon to be the best father.

9:43 PM

Blogger Stubbed My Toe said...

Wow, do you have any idea how intimidating that is? I mean seriously, that is alot to live up to. You know the name of my blog right? STUBBED MY TOE! When I do that I'm going to feel like I let you down, and that isn't a feeling I like.

Thank You. Words fail me at your love. I'll try to live up to your feelings for me.

5:51 PM

Blogger eyeball_715 said...

you're going to be a great daddy!

9:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a great father already! Your son is truly blessed to have such wonderful parents!

9:54 PM


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