Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I got in a fight with the house...

... and I gave it a titty twister, and made it cry uncle! Thats right, I've been productive and been successful at some more stuff. But first I'll get you caught up to date with this last weekend.

Friday we were dead at work, and it also coincided with opening day of dove season so we closed down. I made a trip to the Lowes for more tile. I think I got a bit much but at only 68 cents per foot ten cases only cost $117. What is left over from the kitchen will be used in the laundry room. I had ripped up all the tile already and got down to laying tile the right way. I measured and double checked my reference lines at for at least 2 hours before actually laying my first tile. At that point I checked again a few times to make sure it was all good. So I ripped up 36 feet and layed 32 feet. Not quite back to square one but at least this wouldn't need to be ripped up again. I finished pretty late and packed up my tools and gear for the lease but decided to leave in the morning instead of driving late at night.

I got up bright and early on Saturday and was out the door and rolling before sunrise. 2 hours later I'm parked at the lease and all by myself. Everyone was hunting at a place about half an hour away so I got to work by myself. It was pretty dry at the lease this year (heck it was dry everywhere in Texsa this year) so we didn't have to mow much around the cabin. I got the weed whacker and whacked weeds, grubbed mesquite trees, and cleaned up the place a bit.

My brother inlaws and myself went to fill feeders and that wasn't such an ordeal. Funny enough, this could only happen to me at the lease (where I have been bitten or stung by something every opening weekend of dove season) I put my hand in my pocket and swear to GOD I had a bee sting me on my ring finger.

After a quick lunch we cleaned up a bit more around camp, then shot some skeet. I think the optimal phrase would be shot AT some skeet. I didn't do too bad, getting about 1 out of 3 shots. Then we loaded up and went to the field. I didn't get any birds, but didn't shoot much either. Slow day. We ate at the Bar B Q Barn, as is tradition, its almost like hunters communion with us.

After an night of sleeping on a lumpy futon (which felt like a feather bed as tired as I was) we had breakfast and rolled out to move a blind and feeder. My brother inlaw decided to locate the blind in the most inhospitipal location on the lease. I'm talking cactus, mesquite, rocks, cedar... In other words, a fantastic location for hunting. We all ended up with multiple cactus and mesquite thorns in our arms, hands, legs, and feet. All said and done, we picked up a 12 foot tower blind with a 5 foot box on top of it, put it on a trailer, moved it about 1000 yards, cut a road, put it back on its feet, anchored it, moved in a feeder, cut a road for it, cleared a few shooting lanes, and were done by lunch time. Oh yeah, we're good.

So that evening the birds didn't fly at all, I didn't shoot even once. Disappointed and tired I headed for home. I HAD to stop in Clyde for a Whataburger. Its a tradition, but it was kinda sad because I usually have my brother in law and father in law with me. Oh well, drove through some fantastic rain and was home at 10pm.

Monday it was raining constantly (yeah!) and I took Mary to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. When we got home I laid out more tile that had to be cut, marked it, and promptly left it alone. It was one of those rainy days where you don't want to do anything, so I didn't.

Tuesday I felt bad about skipping work on the house on Monday so I came home and got right to work. I laid tile like a fiend! I was in the zone! I wasn't finished unil 1AM! CRAP! Yeah, it was a very long day today, and when I got home I finished up the last of the tile in the kitchen. Not bad I must say...



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