Just so you know
I haven't forgotten about this blog. I just have been a bit busy lately. In the last 3 days I've had a combined 18 hours of sleep. This isn't so good for me. Mary has been sick and the kitchen has been getting worked on. I have finished painting almost all of the cabinet doors and found out that the hinges we bought don't fit correctly. Great, now I've got doors with a gap on them. So I have to take down all the doors I have already hung and redrill the frames to hang the doors so they don't look like ass. Sorry about the swearing, I don't know if I've done that before on the blog.
Anyway, I put the stove and fridge back in, hooked up the water, trimmed out the window and tile transitions, hung my light fixtures, and installed my base boards. I now have to rehang and hang the doors, install new light switches and a new outlet, finish tiling the floor, and I'm calling this pig done.
Yes, I am aware that I still haven't posted new pictures from the send off party, my friends new baby, or any of the kitchen pics.
No, I haven't forgotten and will get them posted at some point in the future.
Yes, I am freaked out about being a father, and it hasn't happened yet. Everybody tells me how I'm going to be a great dad. I hope they are right, but I won't know till I get the person that makes me a dad. What if I suck at it? I mean c'mon, I screwed up scrambling eggs a few years back. No harm, no foul, just go get more eggs right? What happens when you screw up a kid? They don't come with an extended warranty. The take awhile to make. You can't run across town to kids r us and get a replacement 3yr old if you forgot to kid proof something.
I've already thought back on the things I did as a child, and am amazed I lived to be almost 30. Now the thought of my kid riding a bike makes me want to vomit. The idea of letting them go anywhere without me to make sure no molestors, drunk drivers, ninjas, and terrorists are lurking around is just not conceivable.
In less than 3 weeks we are giving birth to a bobble head that cries and can't communicate what it wants or needs. Pardon me, I've got to puke now.
I know you very well and I say you will be a great Dad.
All the other things are called life. We survived it and you will too. Love Dad
9:31 PM
Awwww, how sweet! Just the fact that you're concerned about all of that says that you're going to be a great dad! And boy, will your kid grow up with a sense of humor...his momma has kept me up many nights howling with laughter and you're no wet blanket!
6:24 AM
Yeah, what she said!!!
10:45 PM
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