The kitchen crippled me
I don't know if you can tell in the pictures, but we have a new stove. Like the sink, you can tell it is quality due to its extreme weight. I haven't looked up the exact weight (because I don't care enough to do so, and if I find out what it really weighs it takes away my ability to exagerate) but it's alot.
I went on Columbus day to the Lowes, because I was tired of waiting for Home Depot's help, and bought a nice shiny glass top stove. When I got home I backed the trailer to the door, grabbed my two wheeler, and put that sucker in the kitchen. It was while dropping the stove off of the trailer that something in my back seems to have popped, and not in the nice "oh yeah, that feels good" kind of pop. No, this was in the "dear Lord on high, please tell me my body didn't just make that noise, and why am I seeing sparks in left eye?"
I have been laid up with a bad back since Monday and everytime I think it's getting better, I wake up crippled up like an octogenarian who was out in the rain yesterday, busted his ass on a skate board, and then slept on a pile of rocks. Frankly I'm tired of hearing "Honey, you gonna make it?" instead of "Good morning handsome, virile, not falling apart husband".
Due to this unplanned injury (not that I sit down with my calendar thinking "hmmm, tuesday at 1:15pm I have time to squeeze in a twisted ankle") we are not going to have the tile finished in the dining room or the bar area before young William arrives to party like its his birthday. While bummed, we are glad to start the "nesting cleaning".
If you are unfamiliar with this, and God knows I was, it is when you freak out and decide that every surface in your house is a disgusting breeding ground for SARS, EBOLA, ANTHRAX, CLEFT PALLETS, and RUNNY NOSES! Yes we are in full blown sanitize it mode. What, you may ask does this mean. To give you a clue I vacuumed the freaking ceiling! Swear on a stack of free Gideon Bibles I used my shop vac to actually clean the ceiling. The part that really upset me was you could tell where I did it! I think that sucker is 3 or 4 shades whiter. I'll check with my Crest teeth whitening chart for the final number. Yep, 4 shades whiter. Maybe I should have just stuck the teeth film on the ceiling... never mind, the muscle relaxers are making me silly.
Speaking of muscle relaxers, if any of you are in a Dr. kind of way, is it safe to take 3 yr old perscriptions for anti inflamation and muscle relaxers, or should I call poison control now?
I know I still haven't put up any new pics, and for that I'm not sorry. I'm busy. But if that chapped your butt in any way I hope this will make up for it.
I'm sure there is a moral to this, but I'm too looped to care. Enjoy.
Gopher Broke - video powered by Metacafe
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