Saturday, February 16, 2008

Still sick

So Friday Mary and I went out and had dinner with one of my oldest and dearest freinds. I've been sick, and evidently got more sick. William's cough seems to have moved past the "barking seal" stage and into the "spewing phlem" stage.

Just letting you know mom, so you don't have to threaten to write me out of the will again.

By the way, John tells you and Dad hi.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Well Croup on a Cracker ! ! !

Yes, my kid is sick. It really sucks because he's at that stage where he can't cough up the stuff, or blow his nose. This means... something, and I think it means its going to suck around here for awhile.

Valentine's day is tomorrow. We'll probably have some wild hallway sex. You know, you pass one another and shout "screw you!".

Just kidding.

I think any plans we've been dreaming up just got tossed out the window. Mary isn't feeling so hot either. We were going out Friday with one of my best friends from childhood, but now its up in the air.

Aside from mucus and a cough that wakes up the neighbors dog, we're doing fine here in Green Acres.

"Who put the goat in there"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well that was emotional!

Sorry for the outpouring of... whatever the hell that was.

In order to get things back on the track of being disgusting and irreverant I give you the following.

Please get your reading glasses so you can read the subtitles, and if my nephew is standing next to you, send him into the next room.

Oh yeah, crank those speakers. I want this as my ringtone.

And this classic, while not as awesome as the preceeding video, is still awesome.


Yes, we're still here

We've had alot going on in our lives lately, and apologize for not keeping everybody in the loop.

No, it wasn't hunting.

No, it wasn't marital friction.

No, it wasn't that I had given up and quit.

It was life.

It was the Holidays.

It was spending time playing video games.

It was chores and challenges.

It was loss.

I'm very blessed with my family here at home. I'm blessed with my family outside these four walls as well. My parents and the family I come from, as well as my new family that I joined when I became a husband.

The blessing of my family is experienced everyday, and I want to apologize to all of you for not keep this site as up to date as you'd like, and to thank you all for the support you've shown.

It's a new year here at our home. Mary and I have joined a gym. We're not posting what we started weighing, or any of that stuff.

I'm quitting smoking. I've had some setbacks, but I'm not giving up.

We're planning on doing some home improvement projects this spring and summer, so I hope to have some good (non going to the ER) posts for ya'll later this year. We're getting out of debt, and have plans on leaving Green Acres in a few years.

We're happy, we're healthy, and we're blessed.

Here is our biggest blessing.