Monday, July 24, 2006

You can do it, Home Depot can help you screw it up

Yeah, so if you've been reading this you know we ate our stupid pills two weeks ago and decided to remodel the kitchen. Let's all say it together now, "You little dumb ass!" Well, after a weekend of painting I have the following pictures to share. First person who says "you missed a spot" is welcome to come to Weatherford, pick up a brush, and fix it themselves.

And of course here are my darling helpers. What they lack in opposable thumbs they make up for in shedding and drooling. Plus they work cheap.

As if all this excitement weren't enough to make me vomit at the sight of a Home Depot or Lowes, my best helper just quit on me. This picture was taken just after the words "Screw you, I'd rather hang out with geriatrics at a quilting bee than paint another cabinet!"

And with that she packed up and is leaving me tomorrow morning to spend a couple of days quilting with geriatrics (she doesn't threaten, she just does). So now I'm stuck here to fend for myself until Thursday night. Send help. Send help now! You realize that she's going to come home to find the house turned into a landfill and me eatting out of the garbage, wearing a loincloth and scratching my ass.

I miss her already.


Blogger snarflemarfle said...

Quick! Go buy some frozen chicken pot pies and you should be fine. As for painting more cabinets, I can't help you.

It is looking great, though!

7:27 AM

Blogger Stubbed My Toe said...

Mary went ahead and stocked the food for me, I just don't want to do the work now. Kinda screwed myself and have to finish or get used to not having a kitchen.

10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kitchens are way over rated. I have to agree with a friend/co-worker of your Uncle Joe's. When she was having her house built, the contractor asked her what type of appliances she wanted in her kitchen, and she wanted to know if it could just be made into a closet, instead. Just make sure you have a coffee pot, in case I spend the night sometime.

5:12 PM

Blogger Stubbed My Toe said...

Oh yeah, we have a coffee pot. We just don't have much more than that.

8:54 PM


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