Home again, home again, jiggity jig!
Friday evening I drove to the deer lease to hunt me some... deer. Hence the name, deer lease. Oh heck, I'm tired so I'll cut to the chase.
Saturday morning, got to my blind about 6:15am. At 7:20am I farted, this scared an 8pt buck that had snuck within 30 feet of my blind. He wasn't sure of me, so he snuck around the otherside of the blind and got within 20 feet of me. I didn't know he was there and opened a can of Diet Dr. Pepper, and scared him for a second time. So I learned a bit about deer, and how you should pretend they are always around you, even when you can't see them.
At 8am I spotted a nice buck in the distance. He was heading into some dense brush and I would be unable to take a shot at him if he made it into the tree line. I figured he was 250 yards away, settled my crosshairs onto his upper rib cage, and squeezed the trigger. He took off, fell on his face, ran some more, fell down. I was feeling pretty good about this, and expected him to expire momentarily. He then ran back to where I shot him, and laid down. I figured he was going to expire right there, when he got up and staggered into the treeline. I didn't like the way he was moving, and went for help. My father-inlaw and my brother-inlaw helped me track him down. He'd only gone about 50 yards into the treeline. My brother-inlaw spotted him trying to slip off into the brush and called me over. I got within 25 yards and shot him in the lungs, he expired in less than 30 seconds. When we went to collect him and haul him back to camp we saw why he wasn't dead from the first shot. I BLEW HIS FRONT LEGS APART! It turns out that he was actually 350 yards away, not 250.
For those who don't know, bullets are subject to gravity. As they travel downrange they drop back to the ground. If you know the distance you are shooting at, you can allow for this drop by aiming above the desired point of impact. Ballistic lesson over.
Yes, I'd aimed too low for the distance and the bullet trajectory snapped the bones in both legs, crippling the buck. We got him back to camp and cleaned him. He dressed out at 110lbs, had 9pts, and was fat and healthy. Well, with the exception of 2 broken legs and being dead.
I know this post isn't up to my normal standard, but damn William is killing us. We just aren't getting any sleep. I'll update the deer season stuff later. Now here are some pics for you.
My first buck.

My second buck.


Leg entrance wound.

Leg exit wound.

350 yards with a 30-30....damn, ben! you're the man!!!
2:16 AM
Well, actually I was using my new .308, but I hope I'm still da man!
6:58 AM
You go! I never wasa good at aiming my rifle...you know, to hit the cans dad stacked on the wood pile.
8:59 AM
Poor Bambi. I hope PETA doesn't find out about the pain and suffering you inflicted on the poor helpless creature. If they do, just feed them some of the great chicken fried venison that your wife is famous for.
Enough about the deer. Let's get back to info and pictures of William.
9:50 AM
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